Tea and Malene Birger's New Book "Move and Work", A Treasure Trove of New Ideas For Designers and Artists
I spent a delightful afternoon this past Saturday at the flagship store of Lillian August in Norwalk, CT. shopping for sofas. But it wasn't long before i found their book department and i was preoccupied with style and design books. I drifted off to the in house cafe and sat down with a cup of complimentary Harney & Sons tea and discovered Malene Birger's new title "Move and Work". I was in black and white heaven. While this book is one of those oversized coffee table books on interior design, it is also a treasure trove for Mixed Media artists who like to work in black and white on different surfaces. You will find lots of bold stroke black and white designed pieces of artwork done by Malene on all types of surfaces and supports both in paint and collage. This is a wonderful book to appreciate the beauty of black and white and to encourage you to experiment in your own work.